The urban city nowadays faces several issues such as climate change, air pollution and lack of space. These issues are also present in Amsterdam, the tourism capital of The Netherlands. To tackle this issue, Amsterdam has set a concrete goal for the future where the city wants to be emission-free by 2030 for all forms of transportation. Sustainable alternatives to a car are necessary to reach this goal.

Sharon Dijksma, Deputy Mayor for Traffic, Transport, Water and Air Quality, explained the city’s plans for the coming years. “We want more space and better air quality. Therefore, it is necessary to reduce the space for cars in the city in favour of cyclists, pedestrians and other modes of transport. To achieve this, a variety of new concepts are being tested.”

In several neighborhoods in Amsterdam, residents demand that the municipality removes all car parking spaces and redesign the public space. This demand means increased access to green mobility infrastructure such as dedicated bicycle lanes, pedestrian lanes and shared space.

Smart solution for green mobility

Smart technology is necessary to enable an efficient transition towards cleaner mobility options. LUMIGUIDE’s smart bicycle management technology can facilitate efficient bicycle parking. Our digital sign helps the cyclist to find the available parking facility. Our optical system detects the number of available spots (indoors and outdoors) for parking in real-time.

Pedestrian and bicycle counting technology included

Moreover, in collaboration with Eco-Counter, the pioneer in pedestrian and bicycle counting technology, we provide real-time insight into trends in pedestrian and cyclist traffic flows. This information will help the municipality to create better policies for bicycle and pedestrian mobility in the future urban area.