Smart Mobility Solutions for Smart Cities

Creating Sustainable Growth & Livable Cities

LumiGuide Smart Mobility Solutions is a smart cities solutions provider. We harness the power of IT and data technology to help cities make cost-efficient choices today and create sustainable urban policies for tomorrow.

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Smart Cities? Smart Mobility?

Smart City, in its most basic sense, leverages technologies and innovations to enhance the living conditions of its residents. It encompasses optimizing the efficiency of city operations and services, and connecting citizens. Smart city technology enables city officials to interact directly with both communities and city infrastructure, and monitor what is happening in the city and how it is evolving.

Smart Mobility is one of the major requirements for the development of smart cities. It deals with providing intelligent and sustainable transportation solutions using innovative and integrated technologies. Smart Mobility promotes environmentally friendly transport modes such as bicycles, smart parking systems and digital way-finding. Other components are convenient and accessible multi-modal travel options, and efficient use of roads and resources.

Smart City Needs? Let Us Know!

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